2019 XC League Schedule
Date | Location |
April 20-21 | TBD |
May 18-19 | TBD |
June 8-9/br> | TBD |
July TBD | Tentative based on who will run the event |
August TBD | Tentative based on who will run the event |
September 14-15 | TBD |
Sep 28-30 | 3-day finale with NorCal XC league in Owens valley. If weather is not optimal may be pushed back 1 week. |
* All dates and locations are tentative until a final email goes out on Wednesday or Thurday night before the meet. We'll have a discussion as a group and decide the best XC spot for the weekend the week before the event. |
2019 Sprint League Schedule
April 6 | Marshall Task Flying and XC Clinic class with Greg Sadowy |
May 11 | Marshall |
June 1 | Marshall |
September 7 | Marshall |
October 12 | Marshall and Year End Party for SCXC |
* Greg Sadowy will be running the events for the Sprint this year. All dates are Saturdays with the option to push it to Sunday if the weather is deemed unfit for task flying. |
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